We spent this Thanksgiving with my family. We met everyone at my parents' mountain vacation house. We were the first ones to arrive. All was well...we were unloading our luggage. I was chasing the kids all over the unchildproofed house. Emmy darted into my parents' dark bedroom. I came in just as she was bending down to touch something on the floor. I yelled, "Emmy don't touch" thinking one of the dogs had an accident on the floor but as I took a closer look...it was a bat!!! I immediately screamed for Steve. After much thought, he decided to trap it in a bag and let it go outside. Whew! That was a close call. Emmy had almost reached down and touched a BAT and who knows what would have happened if she would have!
Although it was great to spend time with family, the vacation wasn't that pleasant. Both kiddos were sick the whole time suffering from runny noses, coughs and fevers. Poor babies! We had lots of help with them but I wish they had been feeling better. We were able to see some of the sights including a place called Goats on a Roof, a touristy type place where you can feed the goats and buy jellies and such.
To kick off the beginning of the Christmas season, we went to a small town near the house where they were having a Christmas gathering. The shops around town were open and everything was decorated for Christmas. We heard Santa was visiting but we never were able to find him but a great time was had by all.

Here's the bat!

Not so happy kiddos!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Gram and her boys
Enjoying the deck

Hudson & Daddy
Hudson, cousin Knox, & Emmy
They loved the Christmas tree
Me & my girl