It's hard to believe that Emmy and Hudson are already 11 months old. These past few months have flown by. We are now preparing for the 1 year old party and it will be so much fun to get together with family and friends. They both have perfected the art of crawling and can get away from you pretty fast. Their favorite thing to do is find something they know they aren't supposed to have like an electrical cord or piece of paper and try to crawl away with it as fast as they can! It's pretty funny. I have to laugh. It seems like they are doing something new everyday. Here are some of the things they can do now.
At 11 months Emmy can:
*wave hello and goodbye
*mimic me if I am humming
*climb up and down a step (sometimes head first!)
*pull up on things although she sometimes has trouble figuring out how to get down
*loves books and will open them, turn the pages and make sounds as if she is reading them-so cute!
*plays peekaboo
At 11 months Hudson can:
*say "uh oh" baba, dada
*pull up and take a few steps forward
*hum to himself as he is falling asleep
*balance on almost anything --yesterday he was standing on top of his toy train set
*shake his head back and forth and dance if he is eating something he likes or hears music
*plays peek a boo
They both love to look out the window of the playroom to see their Daddy mowing the lawn. They laugh and giggle when they see him.